Huge SF by g

I'm thrilled to have been offered the opportunity to help build a brand new outpost of Huge here in SF. In classic startup fashion, I'll be filling a split role: half copywriter, half content strategist.

First client: top secret.

The Birdy by g

I just finished writing an Ebook for The Birdy, a kickass personal finance site. Also been helping out with blog posts and scipts for their explainer video.

Not sure when the book will be live yet, but eventually, you'll get a free download when you sign up. I think the app is so useful and actually makes keeping track of your spending fun, weird as that sounds.

Check out The Birdy >

Treat by g

Have you ever heard of Treat? It's ok, I hadn't either. And then, suddenly, I became the voice of Treat:

Treat is smart, sassy, more than a little sarcastic and ready to sell you a customized greeting card. In other words, a very fun brand to get to create from an editorial perspective, and then actually bring to life with the writing.

Also, the folks at Tiny Prints and Shutterfly: seriously good people.

Check out Treat >

Cowbird by g

Been trying out this Cowbird thing. I love it. It seems like the first genuine web community I've come across since the early days of Livejournal. And I sure never thought I'd say that.

Seriously though, as a storytelling platform, I think they nailed it. For me, it'll probably just be a testing ground for new material that I'm not really ready to try to pitch or properly release yet.

Downton Linney by g

Don't you think it's weird that PBS feels like we need the American actress Laura Linney to introduce the fantastic, but very British Downton Abbey every single time? Yeah, me too.

That's why I created Downton Linney. Because Laura Linney's continued intro presence is at once endearing, puzzling and kind of annoying.

Hear Laura Linney out >

Huge LA by g

I've been having a blast freelancing for Huge LA, working with clients like Celebrity Cruises and VPI. Pretty happy with how this tag came together with the design:

Foundscapes by g

My friend Natalie started this mixtape archive called Foundscapes. Now, those sentimental tapes from exes can be preserved on the Internet forever. I say, great idea.

Here's a tape that was made for me by someone I had a crush on in high school:

Read the story >

Juncture by g

It feels great to contribute to something that is both awesome and created by your friends.

Juncture, a homegrown Brooklyn literary magazine with wonderful themes and lively readings, is just such a project.

More about Juncture > by g

I started at, the leading digital retailer of downloadable audiobooks, as their first ever Content Coordinator, liaising with top publishing houses like Random House, Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins and Hachette. During my time in the role, we 10x'ed production, refining our processes to finish more books at much higher quality. I also helped to manage Audible's relationship with iTunes.

In 2008, I became Manager of Editorial Merchandising. In this year, the company was also purchased by

I branded the new Win-Win Sale, which became the company's top performing promotion. 
The merch role was a broad one. I got valuable experience concepting and owning campaigns (both sales-driven and brand-driven); leading teams of creatives, developers and producers; developing content and editorial strategy; driving and managing emails, newsletters and other CRM; writing copy and developing content.

Read my book reviews for Audible >

Assistive Media by g

My role at Assistive Media, a non-profit serving the blind community by providing free access to streaming and downloadable recorded material, was to directly support founder David Erdody through content and audio editing.