I'm a design and UX leader who got my start as a strategist and writer. I primarily work in the field of product design, specializing in content design. I’ve also done work in naming, branding and identity, along with creative direction (copy-focused). I currently work at Instagram.


I've worked in digital – as a designer, strategist, writer, editor and creative – for roughly two decades now. I'm interested in making the Internet a better place for users by creating excellent content and design experiences and systems, and building healthy, high performing teams in the experience design space.

Selected clients & employers


Organizational leadership

I love building new teams. Supporting, mentoring and growing others in their careers, while building healthy, high performing team cultures is some of the most satisfying work I’ve had the privilege to do in my career. I currently manage a large team of content designers working across many areas of Instagram, including Threads, Reels, Creators and all the ways people share content on the platform.

UX & Content Design

 I like solving new problems and getting things done right. My award-winning work in the discipline of Content Design & Content Strategy includes UX writing, editorial planning, content creation and production, governance, voice and tone definition, email work, messaging architectures, content structure definition and more.

Brand strategy & identity

I’ve done extensive work on naming new products, leading branded campaigns and helping new businesses tell their stories to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Copy & creative direction

As a copywriter, I've had the opportunity to write and creative direct for marketing, product and social media projects.

Writing & Speaking

I've always enjoyed writing articles, blogs, reviews and other more literary pursuits. I also speak about content, digital strategy and privacy.